Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Upper Managements Role During Running The Prison...

This was a very interesting project for me to undertake, it gave me an opportunity to see into the upper managements role in running the prison system, which I have worked for over the last thirteen years. I started as an officer and progressed to my current position as a Correctional Officer 3, basically what I do is ensure the inmates are at the correct custody level by reviewing their crimes, past discipline issues, and length of sentences. I plan to progress upward in the organization, hopefully reaching the position of my subject for this project, Norm Twyford. Norm Twyford is the Deputy Warden of operations at the Arizona State Prison Complex, Perryville. As the title suggests, Norm is in charge of overseeing the day to day operations at the prison run smoothly. I chose to base this essay on Norm, for his innovative ideas, my admiration of his interpersonal skills, and the complexity of his job, since a prison complex is essentially a small city. Perryville state prison consists of seven smaller prisons, housed in one enormous prison complex. The complex houses approximately 5,000 inmates and employees approximately 600 staff members. The staff is made up of officers, for security. Administrative staff, to handle the administrative duties. Maintenance staff, to maintain the facility. Motor pool personnel, to service our fleet of vehicles. Kitchen staff, to feed the inmates. Education staff to ensure the inmates receive education while incarcerated, in the hopes thisShow MoreRelatedFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( Fasd )1603 Words   |  7 PagesFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder â€Å"Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with possible lifelong implications† (HHS, 2005). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

French Life During German Occupation - 1551 Words

French Life During German Occupation Anakin Suddreth- Final paper May 2016 World War 2 began in September 1939, mainly due to German Reich Adolf Hitler attempting to create a perfect world, which in his mind excluded mainly Jews, but also Gays, Gypsies, Poles, and people with physical, or mental disabilities. Hitler’s plan was to slowly take over the entire continent, converting the entire area slowly to his idea of Utopia, and hopefully at one point Germanize the entire world. He had formed the Nazi party in 1920, a group of over three thousand members all soldiers literally looking for a fight. German Nazis launched their first attack in 1940. France s vaunted Maginot Line, engineered to protect the country failed to hold back the Nazi onslaught and the German Blitzkrieg poured into France. The city of Paris fell under German control, only weeks after the first invasion. France was then split into two parts, One-half being occupied France, which would be ruled by the Germans and guarded by the Nazi soldiers, Which also happened to hold the most po pulated city, Paris. The other half was called Vichy France, and would still be under French rule. France officially fell to the Nazi’s on June 14, 1940. Thousands of civilians tried to flee all traveling south in cars, bikes carts or simply on foot in desperation taking only theShow MoreRelatedHenry David Thoreau1591 Words   |  7 PagesGermany On May 8,1945, the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces was signed by Field Marshal Kietel in Berlin, ending World War II for Germany. The German people were confronted with a situation that they had never before experienced: foreign armies occupied the entire German territory. The total breakdown of civil administration throughout the country required immediate measures to ensure the rebuilding of civil authority. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Sports Management

Question: Discuss about the Business Sports Management. Answer: Introduction This report outlines management and the operational activities of sport organizations. These organizations make efforts to encourage the youth of the nation in sport industry. In addition to this, the report describes management of critical incidents in sport organizations. Background and Description of the Organization Football Federation Australia (FFA) was recognized in 2004. It is a regulatory organization of football games in Australia and associated with Federation International de Football Association (FIFA), which is the international governing organization of football. The membership of FFA is based on Australias federal system of government. FFA is in partnership with its federation members namely Westfield W-League clubs and Hyundai A-League to present children across Australias school via sporting school programs (FFA, 2015). As a National Sporting Organization for football, FFA offers school quality programs to promote children to contribute in a great sport. Organizational Goals and Objectives FFA has different goals and objectives to promote ethical sporting practices in the country, which are as below: To allocate supporters, alumni, and businesses to enclose positive impact on triumph of FFA by offering support through monetary and in-kind contribution. To generate bequest funds that is compulsory for the operations of Tennessee FFA Foundation. To get funds for Tennessee FFA Foundation to operate its business activities in a positive financial environment. To get sponsors for individual FFA events and reward programs that will provide full funds to these programs in each region and state. To obtain memorials that will tolerate individuals to contribute in memory of loved once and allow them to assign a portion of their assets to Tennessee FFA Foundation. These objectives seem to be achievable but lots of challenges are there in accomplishment. First of all, organization of FFA event in every state and region require huge fund that is greatest challenge. But at the same, sponsorship is the best method to ease the achievement of objectives. At the same time, alumni, and supporters involvement may give good impact for FFA. Overall it can be said these objectives are achievable but after surmounting financial and non-financial challenges. Management of Critical Incidents and Crisis Critical Incidents and crisis in sporting sector are naturally unpredictable happenings with potential reasons such as major injuries, catastrophic consequences for athletes, loss of life, and other personnel or organizational incidents. An effective management for such significant incidents must be a part of an organizations risk management strategy for avoiding the accidental incidents and their effect on players. If, a sport organization experiences such types of critical incidents, than the senior managers of the organization deals with crisis to strengthen the organizational culture (Giza et al., 2013). For example, in 2009, Football Federation Australia was suspended a player, as he had a sex with 13 years old girl. This put a serious reputational blot on the image of FFA. This action was resulted in loss of sponsors, and negative publicity for the sport organization. At present time, most of the sport organizations are concentrated on profit maximization and are also involved in gambling, which is a critical issue in sport industry. So, it is essential for the sport organizations management committee to reduce frequency of these incidents in the industry. Moreover, management of critical incidentsis often important for instant handling of emergency with having major psychological, medical and the legal flow-on belongings. Therefore, the risk management and effective security planning can recognize and alleviate hazards in advance, but is essential to have a well-designed critical incident management strategy. In Football Federation Australia (FFA), the critical management incident establishes an apparent role for all personnel who will be involved in the plan and consider different aspects such as currency of certifications and availability of equipments (Garratt et al, 2013). In addition to this, the management may develop documented procedures to efficiently communicate all aspects of emergency plans. Moreover, Safe Football plan developed by FFA with Gow-Gates and Member Federation to provide an approach to help the community in evaluating and managing all the risks linked to the management of Football Club. The management of the c ritical incidents and crisis should be to handle the situations. This is very hard to predict the risks in sports but however there are some risk learned from the past some incidents can be managed with. It requires strong planning and effective measures for reducing the degree of risks. Recommendations for Improvement In sports sector, the critical incidents are unpredictable. Therefore it is recommended that all the involved parties should make themselves aware of the critical incidents and the guide group should categorize critical incidents with short instructions. Moreover, the sport organizations should implement their policies in regard to any loss of the participants. It will encourage the players to participate in sport sector. Conclusion On basis of above discussion, it can be concluded that sport industry is an emerging sector, because it provides the job opportunities to those youth people who want to make their career in sports. In this sector, many sport programs have been included by the sport organizations in their schedules. So, this attracts the youth population to look for career in this sector. References FFA (2015) SOCCEROOS v United Arab Emirates. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 10 March 2017). Garratt, D., Piper, H., and Taylor, B. (2013) Safeguardingsports coaching: Foucault, genealogy and critique.Sport, education and society,18(5), pp. 615-629. Giza, C. C., Kutcher, J. S., Ashwal, S., Barth, J., Getchius, T. S., Gioia, G. A., and McKeag, D. B. (2013) Summary of evidence-based guideline update: Evaluation and management of concussion in sports Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology.Neurology,80(24), pp. 2250-2257.

Monday, December 2, 2019

s Paradox

Consumerism, Society’s Paradox! Consumerism, a term likely unfamiliar to many, describes a condition which dramatically impacts our very existence. Consumerism interferes with the workings of society by replacing the normal desire for an adequate supply of life’s necessities, community life, a stable family, and healthy relationships, with an artificial ongoing and instable quest for things and the money to buy them with little regard for the actual product purchased. Countless people, in many of the world’s industrialized nations, spend the vast majority of their lives toiling through mounds of work, all to achieve one common reward, Money. All of these hours are spent in the name of leisure or a better way of life yet this is the very experience that it deprives from us. To better understand the true cause and effect of this monster that is consumerism, we need to take a look at what it is. In a sense, consumerism is that new CD that you have got to buy or the new car that if you are not able to get, you simply will not be able to continue. When you desire a non-essential product marketed in the leisure arena, you contribute to the escalation of consumerism. The United States, with only six percent of the world’s total population, consumes in excess of thirty percent of its resources (Enough, Campaign). When you have something that you absolutely want, and the key word here is want, what do you do? The average person, when in such a situation, reacts by simply working longer hours or taking on some other type of work to supplement their income. This altered work style leads to the perpetuation of a materialistic society that rapidly forgets the fundamental values which civilization has been based on for many years. The age-old question is: ca n money buy you happiness? This is the fundamental subject that corporate America plays on in its drive to expand a dwindling market place. Consumers tend to underestimate the real pow... 's Paradox Free Essays on Consumerism, Society\'s Paradox Consumerism, Society’s Paradox! Consumerism, a term likely unfamiliar to many, describes a condition which dramatically impacts our very existence. Consumerism interferes with the workings of society by replacing the normal desire for an adequate supply of life’s necessities, community life, a stable family, and healthy relationships, with an artificial ongoing and instable quest for things and the money to buy them with little regard for the actual product purchased. Countless people, in many of the world’s industrialized nations, spend the vast majority of their lives toiling through mounds of work, all to achieve one common reward, Money. All of these hours are spent in the name of leisure or a better way of life yet this is the very experience that it deprives from us. To better understand the true cause and effect of this monster that is consumerism, we need to take a look at what it is. In a sense, consumerism is that new CD that you have got to buy or the new car that if you are not able to get, you simply will not be able to continue. When you desire a non-essential product marketed in the leisure arena, you contribute to the escalation of consumerism. The United States, with only six percent of the world’s total population, consumes in excess of thirty percent of its resources (Enough, Campaign). When you have something that you absolutely want, and the key word here is want, what do you do? The average person, when in such a situation, reacts by simply working longer hours or taking on some other type of work to supplement their income. This altered work style leads to the perpetuation of a materialistic society that rapidly forgets the fundamental values which civilization has been based on for many years. The age-old question is: ca n money buy you happiness? This is the fundamental subject that corporate America plays on in its drive to expand a dwindling market place. Consumers tend to underestimate the real pow...