Sunday, November 10, 2019

Black People and Aunt Alexandra Essay

1. How does Jem change? Be specific. a. Page 115-Scout explains that Jem doesn’t want her hanging around him all the time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ stop pestering me. † And Calpurnia begins referring to him as Mister Jem now, a title usually reserved for adults. b. Page 116-â€Å"Jem developed a maddening air of wisdom that summer. † Meaning that he is rational now and understands things†¦not like a little kid anymore. He helps to put things into perspective for Scout that she doesn’t understand. c. Jem is growing up. He is trying to make sense of things he sees, trying to be like Atticus, and trying to put behind him childish games and youthful pranks. Consequently, sometimes he is moody and sometimes occasionally seems to lord his authority over Scout. 2. What are the minor disappointments that start the summer for Scout? What do they foreshadow? a. Page 115-116- READ ALOUD- Atticus got called to an emergency session of legislature, Dill is not coming to visit for the summer, and Aunt Alexandra arrives unannounced to live with them. b. These small disappointments foreshadow the trial of Tom Robinson. 3. What is ironic about Jem and Scout’s visit to Calpurnia’s church? Explain. a. Page 119-120- READ ALOUD TO CLASS- The children experience prejudice against them. They don’t possess prejudice and neither does Calpurnia. They are surprised when church goer Lula confronts Cal asking her how she could bring white kids to the black church. b. However, just as not all the white people are prejudiced, not all the black people are prejudiced. Zeebo and Reverend Skyes are both welcoming to Scout and Jem. 4. Everybody is beginning to tell Scout to act like a lady. How is it ironic that her church and Calpurnia’s church deliver the Impurity of Women doctrine every week? a. Page 122- This is ironic because everybody wants her to be like a lady, but then they discuss the evils that women bring on the world throughout the Impurity of Women Doctrine. This is confusing for Scout. 5. What does Scout learn about Calpurnia? Why is this important? a. Scout learns that Cal leads a separate existence from her household and taking care of her and Jem. Scout sees that Calpurnia speaks a different way around her people than she does with Jem and Scout. This is important because it helps Scout learn to continue to try to see beyond just her world. 6. Why is it unfair that blacks are not allowed to go to school, but the Ewells are? Explain. a. Page 124- READ ALOUD TO CLASS- The Ewells are trash people and no good who walk out of school, but the blacks really want to learn and would go to school regularly. 7. Why did Aunt Alexandra say she would be staying with Atticus and the kids? Do you think this is true? What do you think her real reason is? Explain. a. Page 127-She felt Scout needed a feminine influence. b. She was probably asked to come by Atticus to watch the kids while the trial is going on and try to help them absorb and shelter them from some of what is going on. 8. â€Å"Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand in a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me. † Explain. a. Page 131-132- READ ALOUD TO CLASS- Aunt Alexandra knew all the proper social things to do and say, and she knew a great deal of the history of the local families. She joined some clubs and entertained at her home, and generally did fit right into town’s society. However, Alexandra didn’t understand or agree with the values by which Atticus was raising his children. Therefore, she did not understand the children’s behavior. Because their value systems were different, they were more often than not at odds. English 10RName ___________________________________ Ms. GlassTKMB- Study Guide Chapters 12 and 13 Directions: Read chapters 12 and 13 and answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. How does Jem change? Be specific. 2. What are the minor disappointments that start the summer for Scout? What do they foreshadow? 3. What is ironic about Jem and Scout’s visit to Calpurnia’s church? Explain. 4. Everybody is beginning to tell Scout to act like a lady. How is it ironic that her church and Calpurnia’s church deliver the Impurity of Women doctrine every week? 5. What does Scout learn about Calpurnia? Why is this important? 6. Why is it unfair that blacks are not allowed to go to school, but the Ewells are? Explain. 7. Why did Aunt Alexandra say she would be staying with Atticus and the kids? Do you think this is true? What do you think her real reason is? Explain. 8. â€Å"Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand in a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me. † Explain.

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